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Organise your workspace threads into actionable requests, ensuring clear ownership and swift resolution 🚀
Automated Threads Tracking
No-hassle, in-thread ticketing. We track all requests for you, preserving the natural flow of conversation.
Automated assignments
No unassigned tickets. We tackle the problem of shared ownership with mechanics like on-call rotations, reducing the time from 'to do' to 'in progress'.
Most affordable
No per-agent charges. Simple and reasonable pricing for teams of all sizes.
All inside Slack
Navigate tickets inside your Slack workspace, no need to jump between apps.
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Automated Threads tracking
Stay organized while keeping your chat casual and seamless. Keep chatting in channels as usual — we'll automatically turn your conversations into actionable tickets, no extra steps needed. No lost questions anymore.
In-thread tickets managements
Manage tickets directly within the conversation—reassign or close them without interrupting the chat flow.
Automated Assignments
Never get frustrated by unanswered messages. No need to ping the entire channel for attention. Requests are instantly assigned to the right person, ensuring swift action through on-call rotations or other assignment mechanics — eliminating the wait and shared ownership confusion.
Open request reminders and shift reminders
Boost collaboration speed with customizable reminders for open requests and shift notifications — keeping your team on track and informed.
On-call rotation management
A full-scale, built-in system for managing on-call shifts in your teams. Customize rotation frequency and shifts duration, preview schedules, easily handle vacation or sick leave with schedule overrides.
Tickets navigation
Effortlessly navigate and manage tickets within your Slack workspace — no need to switch between apps.